After a paycheck is issued, employees must make moves to convert it into cash. This often means leaving the workplace for some time and frequent visits to the bank. This also implies that the company will be short of manpower for some minutes or hours. This can certainly be avoided and averted. If a direct deposit is made into the bank accounts of all workers, there would be no reason for them to leave the workplace to queue at the bank. It also means that the employer will have fewer paper transactions to do and there would be little or no checks to print and sign.
E-pay payroll ensures payments are made into the savings or checking accounts of all workers. These deposits can be paid into as many as four bank accounts if the worker chooses to. What this means is that there would be no hassle on payday. Employers can also relax when they outsource this task to us because we work with payroll and timesheet information before making deposits into the accounts of employees.
About us
We are not just about employee direct deposit. We are masters of all we do. We are professionals when it comes to tax matters. We are also very conversant with procedures for filing documents at the tax office. The internal revenue service knows us for the quality of our services and we can also help you to register your new business if you call on us. Asides that, sinking and struggling businesses can reach out to us if they are keen on reviving their fortunes. We also have expert accountants who can look through your books and records and identify errors as well as regularizing same. If you want to hire a new set of workers or you want to improve your existing workforce, our human resource professionals can help with that by organizing training and refresher courses. During the hiring process, we are with you from the interview to the final selection point so that you do not make a wrong pick.
Our contact
Our offices are not hard to locate. You can call (909) 393-0410 Ext 103 or (866) 340-8132 if you have any questions to ask us and our team. You can also send an email to with an explanation of what you want us to do for you.