One of the most important days in the lives of employees is payday. All workers anticipate receiving their paychecks. For others, it is the feeling of receiving a notification of credit into their bank accounts. Nobody wants excuses when it is payday and this explains why companies and employers of labor must up their game when it comes to developing an effective salary structure. For SME’s in Inglewood who desperately crave the services of a professional payroll processor, help is near as E-pay payroll services are now within your reach. We are blessed with a pool of experienced professionals who know their onions. These professionals were carefully selected across the board. Some of them are tax experts while others have enormous experience in handling payroll matters. We also have attorneys within our ranks and these guys have a combined experience of over forty years.
Our journey to the top has been an interesting one. We started in 1991 as a small company but today we have built a business empire. In fact, we are in most of the major American cities.
How does E-pay payroll work?
To enjoy our services, all that you need to do is visit our webpage. E-pay payroll is not complicated to learn. Upon entering your payroll information, tax and other levies are taken and the aggregate balance is a credit to the employee’s account either as a direct deposit or paycheck. We understand that you may want to ask one or two questions and that explains why our lines are always open to receive complaints and inquiries. No other software is needed. All that you require is a computer with a secure web browser and a fast internet connection. Security of your data isn’t an issue. We use VeriSign TM to authenticate and protect your data. The computed pay for each employee takes into consideration vacation, overtime, and sick days.
Our other services
We do other things like tracking employee’s attendance and hours worked, tax computation, human resource and background check for new and existing employees, as well as incorporation and registration of new businesses and companies.
We also engage in worker’s compensation programs, health insurance for all employees and employee retirement plans.
Hence, if you just started a new business in Inglewood and you require payroll services or human resource experts to assist with employee recruitment and salary schedule, kindly reach us on our dedicated customer care line (866) 340-8132.