After salaries are paid, workers will certainly make use of the funds. The process with which these payments are made is what determines how quickly employees can make use of their money. Unlike paychecks, the employee direct deposit method makes it possible for workers to access their funds instantly and immediately it is paid. Upon getting a notification of credit into their accounts, workers can withdraw funds by use of their debit cards or by transfer to other beneficiaries.
This method takes care of the issues associated with paychecks. With the direct deposit system, there is no need for printing or signing. There isn’t any paperwork to be done. We take care of this and we do it at a very affordable cost. The net income of each worker is what is paid into their accounts and this is based on information from the timesheet and payroll. Workers wouldn’t have to go to the bank for their paychecks to be cleared any longer. In fact, they will receive an email notification of their pay stubs on their registered email address.
E-pay payroll can help with employee direct deposits. Unlike other professional service firms, we are not just about money. We take over these responsibilities and allow you to focus on other pressing issues.
Our other services
So many employers have complained about not having a proper employee monitoring system. With our online attendance tracking system, all your fears are resolved. Also, we offer accounting and financial advisory services for companies who do not have proper records or clear books. We are also expert payroll processors and tax consultants. In fact, the IRS identifies our name and our brand. If you are thinking about setting up a new company, we can guide you through the process of registering and incorporating their business. We have attorneys at law guide you and ensure you are not breaking any part of the law in setting up your business.
Our contact
If you are in need of a trusted payroll firm to handle your payroll, employee direct deposit and other related services in Santa Monica, look no further than E-Pay Payroll. You don’t have to labor to find us. We are present in over fifty states in the country. Our website is and you can visit this page to know about our history, services and what other customers are saying about us. You can also find us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Need to place a call across today, here’s our phone line (866) 340-8132.