
Click to Get Free 60 Days Payroll Processing


Paychecks create a lot of issues for workers. It is not a straightforward method of paying workers for their time and service to the organization. These checks must be cleared, confirmed and processed before it can be transformed to cash. Asides that, it isn’t a convenient thing for an employer to print and sign paychecks especially if there are numerous workers in the organization. We must also remember that individual checks must be reconciled when an audit is performed. The best way to eliminate this stress is for payments to be made directly to the bank account of each and every worker. Many organizations do not want to give the employee a direct deposit system a try because of the huge amount charged by professional firms who offer this service. The truth is, if not outsourced; direct deposits into employee account could be more expensive. However, at E-pay payroll, we offer a pocket-friendly price for this service especially if we are in charge of your timesheet and payroll.

The net amount paid into the bank account of each worker depends largely on the number of hours worked, the prevailing hourly and tax rates as well as any outstanding loans or commitments. Payments can be split into various bank accounts if the employee wants. The whole essence of direct payments is to allow employees easy access to their own money. After payments have been made, each worker can make an easy withdrawal with their debit card or withdrawal slip.

About us

We do so much more than direct salary payment. We are recruitment specialists. We are tax analysts and tax consultants. We are bookkeeping professionals, as well as professional auditors. We are business and professional counselors. Our trained teams are professionals at monitoring employee performance and we can help you register that new business you’ve always dreamt of. We have been in
existence since 1991 and our employees have so much to offer in terms of experience.

Our contact

We are active on social media. You can also visit any of our offices to make consultations. Our time of operation is 9 am to 5 pm every weekday. Visit www.epaypayroll.com to discover more about us or send an email to help@epaypayroll.com. Our fax number is (909) 393-0430 and our telephone lines are (909) 393-0410 Ext 103 and (866) 340-8132.