For obvious reasons, many people avoid going to the bank. They look for other ways to do their transactions and pay for bills. These banks are aware and that is why they are making efforts to divert many of their customers to the e-channel platform. When an employer gives a check to a worker as payment for involvement in the production of goods and provision of service, it is like a setup. This is because this employee will go through a lot before he can get cash. Employers must begin to look for convenient ways to pay their workers for work done. In fact, these workers are now highly demanding especially when they see their friends who work in other organization’s access their salaries easily and without stress.
The direct deposit system benefits both the payer (employer) al and payee (worker). While the worker wouldn’t have to keep going to the bank leaving behind a lot of work, the employer wouldn’t have to print and sign paychecks on a consistent basis. The stress and error associated with paper transactions will also be avoided and more importantly, both the employer and employee can rest well every payday. If you are thinking of outsourcing your employee direct deposit duties and you aren’t still convinced about the firm to choose, E-pay payroll could be the answer you’ve always wanted.
Our direct deposit service is prompt and inexpensive. There is also the option of splitting salaries into different bank accounts and we pay the exact net amount to the account of all workers.
About E-pay payroll
E-pay payroll is an all-round professional service firm. With over fifty branches in different states of the country, we are the team to beat within the industry. So many of our existing clients talk about how friendly and courteous our employees are. They also marvel at our professionalism and work ethic. We are not picky. We treat all our clients equally and accord the same level of respect to all our customers. E-pay payroll can help you identify good talents during a recruitment campaign. We also help you equip your employees by organizing training and workshops. When it comes to tax matters, we act as consultants, managers, and compliance officers. We also provide innovative solutions to companies and businesses that are on the verge of collapse. If you would like to start a new company, we can register the business for you and incorporate the company.
Our contact
Visit today to discover what our customers have to say about us. You can also send a mail to or check our Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn pages. Our telephone lines are (909) 393-0410 Ext 103 and (866) 340-8132 and our fax number is (909) 393-0430.