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Payroll Services Compton

Payment of employee salaries, wages and bonuses aren’t as straightforward as it sounds. The process involves a lot of considerations. Wage rate, existing and delinquent loans, tax policy and employee contract type have to be factored in. This means that a high level of meticulousness is needed and this can only be gotten from a payroll processing specialist, who’s well-rounded in payroll services. E-pay payroll is a trusted ally in this regard. With a payroll system that is easy to use and understand, as well as almost thirty years of payroll processing experience, your payroll processing needs are well covered.

In fact, our modus operandi is such that payrolls can be processed in a little under five minutes.

Why should I consider E-pay payroll?

One good reason to consider E-pay payroll is that you still have a say in the major aspects of processing your company’s payroll. In other words, you still call the shots. Our payroll services save you money and help you protect sensitive information because you do not have to call on courier services or third-party data handlers.

How does E-pay payroll work?

We do direct deposits into the bank accounts of your employees as soon as you enter your payroll information into our website. If you are unable to enter these details by yourself, you can call our dedicated customer care line and we will duly oblige you. Employees will receive an email notification containing a secure password to their pay stub. For employees who are not too keen on direct deposits, there is the option of a paperless check. These deposits are made after tax deductions and other levies are removed from the employee pay. These taxes and levies are credited directly into the appropriate federal, state or local accounts.

Why should I choose E-pay payroll?

E-pay payroll is easy to use and it is very accurate. In fact, you do not have to install extra software as all that is required is a web browser and a fast internet connection. After salary and wage payments have been made, you can download and export payroll data to excel, QuickBooks or PDF format depending on your preference.

Therefore, whether you have a small business or enterprise or a large and incorporated entity within Compton, you can always reach out to E-pay payroll for your payroll services in Compton like processing, tax filing, and human resource needs. Call our customer care line on (866) 340-8132 today.