Employers put a lot of effort towards payday. Sadly, these efforts would not be worth it if workers do not find joy in the payment method the employer chooses to adopt. Many employers issue paychecks and think it all ends there. No, it doesn’t. Employees go for a lot in trying to convert their paychecks into cash.
In lieu of this, the employer must work out a payment system that is of great benefit to both parties. One possible solution to this problem is the direct deposit system. The employee direct deposit method could be quite pricey if the company doesn’t outsource this task to a professional firm. E-pay payroll is recommended because our prices are pocket-friendly and we are sensitive to the plight of small businesses. With our direct deposit system, employers can rest assured that more than half of the stress they go through to pay their workers is taken care of. Employees don’t need to do anything about the process; they can just sit back and relax knowing full well that they will get a credit alert into their bank accounts. If an employee wants, we can split his pay into four different bank accounts. Employees will then be able to concentrate on other pressing issues instead of going to the bank consistently with their paychecks.
About E-pay payroll
Nothing beats a dedicated and serious team. Ours is a customer-based organization and we are all about exceptional service. We were founded almost three decades ago and we have built a loyal fan base. We have endeared ourselves to our clients through hard work. Our services are inexpensive and we do everything that a serious professional service firm should do. We do payroll processing and offer accounting services to customers who have issues with record keeping and bookkeeping. If you have staff-manning and recruitment issues, talk to us about it. We have a team of HR pros whose experience in such matters will come in handy. We also carry out audit assignments for customers who want to review their processes. Our online time and attendance tracker is sure to help you avoid wage disputes and litigation. Hence, nobody can complain of been underpaid. If you have to register a new business or company, tell us about it and we will liaise with appropriate bodies to help you with the process.
Our contact
You can reach us on (909) 393-0410 Ext 103 or (866) 340-8132. Our official email address is help@epaypayroll.com and you can check us up in any of our offices Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Visit www.epaypayroll.com to read about our history and understand what we stand for.