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Payroll Tax Filing Escondido

Generally, as an employer, you ought to give an account of the wages or tips or benefits you give to your workers and file them with the Internal Revenue Service.

Different states in the US have different laws governing how theirs is being treated. However, you must understand the requirements in our city before you can successfully get yours done.

Most companies outsource their payroll tax filing service because they want impeccable services with the latest ideas of how things are done. State tax laws are dynamic and if you are not abreast with the changes, you would make grave errors that can lead to unspeakable problems. That is why we at E-pay payroll are revered.

The penalties involved in improperly done payroll tax filing can be really serious. You may be required to pay 25% of your due tax if you are late with filing your tax returns. Although there might be some grace if you have a good excuse for your actions, if you’re are late in depositing your withheld tax, you definitely would pay without explanations. The amount you pay varies depending on how late you are. Fines can be anywhere from 2% to 20% of the total due tax.

Are you in search of a reputable payroll tax filing Escondido? Let e-pay payroll help you.

We have three decades of success in this industry in the bag. Our services are carried out by some of the brightest minds in payroll and payroll tax filing.

Are you running late already in your deposit or filing tax returns? No problems. With e-pay payroll, you can only expect things to turn around. We are well grounded in the dynamic tax laws and returns.

We have more than 45 years of experience and have been in existence for more than three decades.

Our client based is unsurprisingly large because of the level of dedication and hard work that we put into our services.

Plus we ensure that our charges are subsidized so those small businesses can afford it. The reason we are here in the first place is for small businesses.

Over the years, small businesses haven’t received enough attention as their larger counterparts. At e-pay payroll, we believe that the journey of a mile begins with a step. Large businesses were once small businesses and if they are not properly attended to, they could go extinct.

Our experts are licensed by Internal Revenue Service for their dedication towards the job and we have a warm relationship with most of the members of the tax body so getting things done will be quite easy. Get started with your payroll tax filing today; call us on (866) 340-8132.