As a worker, payday is a day you always look forward to. It is a day you get rewarded for your efforts. In fact, it transcends beyond this. It is actually that time of the month that you are able to foot your bills and cater for your immediate needs and that of your family. However, there is an issue. Most workers go through a whole lot of stress in trying to convert their paycheck to meaningful cash. They have to get approval from their supervisors to go to the bank. On getting to the bank, they must also navigate their way through the long queue of persons. It is safe to say that although they are paid for the service they render, employers can do more to reduce this burden or simplify this process. An alternative to printing and signing paychecks is the employee direct deposit system. This method of paying workers takes away the inconveniences of issuing paychecks and brings with it a whole lot of advantages.
Employee direct deposit system gives workers control over their money. They would be no need to go to the bank except you have other business to attend to. With your debit card, you can make withdrawals from your salary account. In fact, the process is such that an employee can decide if he wants his pay to be split into several accounts. E-pay payroll consummates these transactions with professionalism and the net income of every worker depends on what the timesheet says or information from the salary schedule.
About E-pay payroll
Don’t get it twisted, employee direct deposit is not the only thing we do. We can process your payroll for you if you want us to. Also, our online time tracking system is very accurate and reliable. Therefore, if you need to monitor employee time and attendance, talk to us about it. We are also good at handling human resource matters. If you are finding it hard to define roles for your workers or coordinate your workforce, we can do it for you. We have certified accountants who are very knowledgeable about bookkeeping. We also have a team of tax experts who can calculate accurate business and personal tax figures for you. We can also file tax forms and documents on your behalf if you want us to.
Our contact
We have several offices in California. However, if you are keen on knowing more about us, check and find out what other clients have to say about our services. You can also send us a mail. Our email address is always available to receive your complaints and queries. Our help lines are (909) 393-0410 Ext 103 or (866) 340-8132. Call us today and you wouldn’t regret it.