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Human resources Santa Ana

One of the busiest departments in an organization is the human resources. Their duties include recruiting workers, doing background checks on them, relocation, drug testing, compensation plan management, training, and employee development, outplacement, employee assistance, payroll management, legal and employee relations. The list is endless. As tricky and difficult as obliging to all of these employee needs, a slight error or mismanagement can spell doom for both you and your company.

In fact, an employee suit can cost you up to $125,000 to sort out and more than 11 months of regular appearance in court. There are several other acts like the ‘Americans with Disability Act,’ and the ‘Occupational Safety and Health Act’ which once violated, can incur fines of $75,000 and $7,000 respectively.

Those bills are avoidable only if you outsource your HR to a reliable agency. If you have a business in Santa Ana and need competent HR services, then we recommend E-pay Payroll/HR.

Why do we recommend E-pay Payroll/HR?

E-pay Payroll/HR is recommendable for a number of reasons.

First of all is the experience. E-pay is highly experienced in the industry and has spent more than three decades helping business owners reach their full potential. While the company itself may be three decades old, the staff has more years of combined experience (45 years).

Secondly is licensed, staff. All the HR professionals and attorneys involved in HR services an e-pay are all licensed by the right bodies to discharge their duties without any hitch.

Thirdly, E-pay Payroll/HR has built a positive reputation for itself all over America. Our tentacles are not just in California alone but every city in every state in the US. Our clients believe in our services and we have always paid that belief with continuous topnotch HR solutions at every level of the organizational government.

How does E-pay Payroll/HR stand out?

Our affordable services make us stand out. Whether you run a small business or a big one, we have HR packages to suit everyone. Small businesses who can only afford little help can sign up for our HR support center and be privy to our online HR latest tools and software which you can use to sort your company’s employer-employee relationship. However, if you can, you can sign up to our HR on-demand or HR complete package to get 24/7 assistance online or to have an expert assigned to your business, respectively.

You mustn’t take our word for it but to enjoy topnotch human resources, Santa Ana, e-pay is your ideal choice! Call us (866) 340-8132 today to discuss your HR needs.